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SWS-250 能见度/天气现象仪


BTD 概述


AOT-100光镊 概述
AOT-100光镊 应用
AOT-100光镊 案例
AOT-100光镊 论文
AOT-100光镊 图解


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Group at University of California Researches Reactions Between Natural and Pollutant Particles


The Biral AOT-100 is an Aerosol Optical Tweezers instrument that is designed to hold microscopic droplets immobile in an optical trap for detailed analysis over an extended period. It is the ideal instrument for studying the atmospheric chemistry that takes place in cloud and mist droplets.
Biral AOT-100是一种气溶胶光镊仪器,旨在将微小液滴固定在光阱中,以便在较长时间内进行详细分析,它是研究在云雾和雾滴中发生的大气化学的理想仪器。

Professor Vicki Grassian’s group at the University of California in San Diego is using Biral’s AOT-100 instrument for a range of studies of the diverse chemical reactions that take place between natural and pollutant particles, atmospheric gases and condensed water.
加州大学圣地亚哥分校的Vicki Grassian教授小组正在使用Biral的AOT-100仪器进行一系列研究,研究天然和污染物颗粒,大气气体和冷凝水之间发生的各种化学反应。

For example, oxides of sulphur produced by human industrial processes, as well as natural volcanic activity, is a major driver of much atmospheric chemistry and understanding what happens to other atmospheric components in acidified water droplets is immensely important in climate modelling. The Cavity Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy (CERS) used in the AOT enables such complex reactions to be followed with excellent time resolution.
例如,人类工业过程产生的硫的氧化物以及自然的火山活动,是许多大气化学的主要来源,而在气候模拟中,了解酸化水滴中其他大气成分会发生什么非常重要。 AOT中使用的腔增强拉曼光谱(CERS)使这种复杂的反应能够以出色的时间分辨率进行。

Professor Vicki Grassian is delighted with Biral’s AOT instrument commenting, “The AOT is an excellent research instrument for studies of the chemistry of individual droplets. My students and postdocs are working hard to push the technique into new areas of atmospheric aerosol chemistry.”
Vicki Grassian教授对Biral的AOT仪器感到高兴,她说:“AOT是研究单个液滴化学性质的出色研究工具。 我的学生和博士后们正在努力将这项技术推广到大气气溶胶化学的新领域。”

Looking forward, the group is intending to use the technique to study the interactions between aqueous liquid droplets and solid particles trapped inside them. This will focus on biological organisms likely to be found in the atmosphere and on sea spray, both of which are vitally important in understanding the effects of the atmosphere on climate.


Advanced Aerosol Optical Tweezers Help California Research Group with Pioneering Work.


When The Wilson Research Group at the Chemical Sciences Division of Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL) in California became interested in understanding the long-time chemistry of aqueous aerosol in the atmosphere, they chose the Biral Aerosol Optical Tweezers (AOT) equipment to further their pioneering work.

Unlike other aerosol instruments that have mostly relied on transits through an illuminated measuring space that last of the order of microseconds, the Biral AOT-100 allows users to hold airborne particles for extended periods with ease. Holding particles in an optical trap enables many different parameters to be studied continuously, over times varying from milliseconds to hours.
与其它主要依靠经过微秒级照明空间的气溶胶仪器不同,Biral 的AOT-100可使用户轻松地长时间托住空气中的颗粒,将粒子保持在光阱中可以使许多不同的参数得以连续研究,时间范围从毫秒到数小时不等。

The Chemical Sciences Division at LBNL is the home of fundamental research in chemistry and chemical engineering. Its work provides a basis for new and improved energy technologies and for understanding and mitigating the environmental impacts of energy use. The division pioneers an integrated research portfolio in fundamental chemistry.

Within the division, The Wilson Research Group uses novel mass spectrometric methods and synchrotron based techniques to study organic aerosol oxidation reactions as well as the chemistry occurring at liquid water surfaces.

For the group, understanding and quantifying how aerosols are changed during chemical reaction is of key importance for predicting the atmospheric role of aerosols. Single particle confinement using electric fields, acoustic waves, or light, are effective techniques to rigorously explore the microphysical properties of aerosol, and have been effectively applied in numerous studies. The Biral AOT-100 was purchased with the aim of applying a powerful single particle confinement method to explore chemistry initiated by reactive gas and radical uptake.
对于该小组而言,了解和量化化学反应过程中气溶胶的变化方式对于预测气溶胶在大气中的作用至关重要,使用电场,声波或光进行的单粒子限定方法是严格的研究气溶胶微物理性质的有效技术,并且已在许多研究中得到有效应用,购买Biral 的AOT-100的目的是应用强大的单粒子限定方法来探索由反应性气体和自由基吸收引起的化学反应。

Kevin Wilson, Deputy Director for Science for the Chemical Sciences Division of LBNL, commented “By investing in a commercial product, we were able to take advantage of the significant time and effort put in by researchers at the University of Bristol in its development, giving us access to powerful instrument control and data analysis software, as well as robust and compact hardware. While my group understands the theory underlying optical trapping of particles, we simply do not have the extensive expertise, time or funding to implement all of the hardware and software requirements to make a robust platform for our studies of aerosol chemistry”.
LBNL化学科学部科学副主任Kevin Wilson评论说:“通过购买商业化的产品,我们能够利用布里斯托大学研究人员投入大量时间和精力进行开发的产品,使我们可以使用功能强大的仪器的控制和数据分析软件,以及强大而紧凑的硬件,尽管我的小组了解了粒子光学捕获的基础理论,但我们没有足够的专业技能,时间或资金以实现我们为气溶胶化学研究提供一个强大的平台所需的硬件和软件要求。”

The group at LBNL is interested in particular in how physical properties, such as the diffusion coefficient, viscosity and surface tension, vary when aerosol are exposed to reactive gas phase species, such as ozone and OH radicals. Methods exist using the AOT for measuring all these and the group has further developed tools to be applied when studying an aerosol of changing composition. At this stage, the group has published a method for calculating water diffusion in viscous aerosol by measuring the timescale for H2O/D2O isotopic exchange. The next steps in their work are to initiate chemistry in the aerosol, and apply these methods to understand how the diffusion coefficient changes as chemistry occurs. Their key challenges are in-situ production of radical species and then quantifying the extent of chemical reaction, which may be done to a limited extent using the Raman spectroscopic signal.
LBNL的小组特别关注当气溶胶暴露于反应性气相物种(例如臭氧和OH自由基)时,物理性质(例如扩散系数,粘度和表面张力)如何变化,使用AOT来测量所有这些的方法,并且该小组进一步研究了在研究不断变化的气溶胶时应使用的工具,在此阶段,该小组已发布了一种通过测量H2O / D2O同位素交换的时间尺度来计算粘性气溶胶中水扩散的方法。他们下一步的工作是在气溶胶中引发化学反应,并应用这些方法来了解随着化学反应的扩散系数的变化,他们的主要挑战是现场产生自由基物种和量化化学反应的程度,这可以使用拉曼光谱信号在有限的程度上完成。

A post-doc in the group, James Davies, is certainly impressed with the Biral AOT, commenting, “Since taking possession of the instrument in December 2014, the Biral AOT-100 has worked very well and continues to function with stability and reliability. The software is updated frequently, with improvements and changes often made on request to improve the user experience.” Kevin Wilson added, “This instrument has performed so well that my group is freed up to think about our science questions, rather than instrument maintenance or any technical issue. Biral to our knowledge is the only commercial supplier of such a special instrument. It is based upon the technique developed by JP Reid at Bristol, whose work we deeply admire and respect.”
该小组的一名博士后James Davies无疑对Biral 的AOT印象深刻,并评论说:“自2014年12月拥有该仪器以来,Biral AOT-100一直运转良好,并且稳定可靠地继续工作。 该软件会经常进行更新,并会根据要求进行改进和更改,以改善用户体验。” Kevin Wilson补充道:“该仪器的性能是如此出色,以至于我的团队可以腾出时间来思考我们的科学问题,而不必考虑仪器维护或任何技术问题,据我们所知,Biral是这种特殊仪器的唯一商业供应商,它基于布里斯托大学JP里德(JP Reid)开发的技术,他们的工作深为我们所钦佩和尊重。”

Since taking in the Biral AOT, there has been much interest from fellow scientists, Kevin Wilson adding, “We are often approached by academic colleagues in US Universities who are interested in how the AOT performs and its capabilities”.
自从采购Biral的AOT以来,科学家们一直很感兴趣,Kevin Wilson补充说:“美国大学的学术界同事经常与我们接触,他们对AOT的性能及其功能很感兴趣”。

The Biral AOT offers a step-change in what can be achieved in the measurement of airborne particles. It is a tool that can be used for a very wide variety of research objectives many of which may be novel. The instrument has been designed to provide a range of techniques that have had extensive development and have been shown to be reliable. The components and design of the system offer a high degree of flexibility that should enable the development of new applications. Biral would be pleased to discuss and offer advice on the feasibility of such applications.
Biral AOT提供了一种每步变化的方法以测量空气中的颗粒物,它是可用于非常广泛研究目标的工具,其中许多可能是新颖的,该仪器的设计目的是提供一系列已广泛发展且证明可靠的技术,系统的组件和设计提供了高度的灵活性,能够开发新的应用领域,Biral很高兴对这类应用的可行性进行讨论和提供建议。

A recent example of the group’s work using the Biral AOT is Raman Spectroscopy of Isotopic Water Diffusion in Ultraviscous, Glassy, and Gel States in Aerosol by Use of Optical Tweezers James F. Davies and Kevin R. Wilson*Chemical Sciences Division, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, California 94611, United States Anal. Chem., DOI: 10.1021/acs.analchem.5b04315 Publication Date (Web): January 11, 2016
该小组使用Biral AOT进行工作的最新示例是,使用光镊进行气溶胶中超粘,玻璃态和凝胶态同位素水扩散的拉曼光谱研究。

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